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Pneumatic control valve needs routine maintenance of what

December 10, 2021

Valve body wall in high pressure and corrosive media occasions, the valve body wall, diaphragm valve diaphragm often subject to media impact and corrosion, we must focus on inspection of pressure corrosion resistance; spool valve spool is the movable part of the valve One of the more serious erosion by the media, the valve should be carefully checked when the various parts of the valve is corrosive, wear and tear, especially in the case of high pressure differential valve core wear due to cavitation caused by cavitation more serious damage Serious spool should be replaced to check the seal packing: Check the packing asbestos rope is dry, such as the use of PTFE packing, should check to see if aging and its mating surface is damaged; seat due to work medium infiltration, fixed valve seat The threaded inner surface is easily corroded and the valve seat is loosened. The diaphragm and O-ring consumables are inspected for aging. Packing When the valve is made of graphite or asbestos, it should be added to the packing for about three months Lubricating oil. To ensure that the valve action flexible; found packing pressure cap is very low, you should add filler; found PTFE dry filler hardening, it should be promptly replaced; gas source equipped with Adjusting the valve's position should always check the gas source, the gas source to ensure quality, free of water and other debris.

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