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Self-regulating valve anti-plug anti-card six methods

December 09, 2021

1, Love wash method: welding slag, rust, slag and other piping in the throttle, guide parts, under the valve cover to balance the hole caused by blockage or stuck so that the valve surface, the guide surface of the resulting injury and scratches . In this case, you must uninstall the cleaning, remove the slag material, such as the sealing surface is also damaged should be ground; at the same time the bottom plug open to flush away from the balance hole into the valve cap slag material, and the pipeline Rinse. Put into operation before the valve is fully open, medium flow into the normal operation after a period of time.

2, medium scour method: the use of medium scouring its own energy, erosion and easy to take away sedimentation, easy to block things, thereby enhancing the anti-blocking valve function. Common methods are:

a change into closed flow use;

b using streamlined body;

c throttle placed in the erosion of the worst, using this method should pay attention to improve the erosion-resistant parts of the erosion.

3, straight to the angle method: Straight through the inverted S flow, flow path complex, upper and lower cavity dead zone for the precipitation of the media provides a place. Angular connection, like 90 ° elbow flow through the medium, erosion performance, small dead zone, easy to design streamlined.

4, increase the throttle gap method: the medium of solid particles or pipe was washed away the welding slag and rust and other overcrowding caused by congestion, stuck and other failures can be used to throttle large gap section Flow - throttling area for the window, the opening of the spool, sleeve, because of its throttle area rather than the distribution of the circumference, the fault can be easily ruled out. If it is single, two-seater valve plunger can be changed to "V" -shaped spool, or into the sleeve valve.

5, external scouring method: For some easy to sediment, the medium containing solid particles using ordinary valve adjustment, often in the throttle, the guide block, can be flush at the bottom of the valve cover bottom flushing gas and steam. When the control valve is clogged or stuck, open the external gas or steam valve, you can complete the flushing work in the case of the valve does not move, so that the valve normal operation.

6, the installation of pipe filter method: small caliber control valve, especially the ultra-small flow control valve, the throttle clearance is very small, even if there is a little medium in the slag material will be blocked, it is best to install a Filter, to ensure the smooth passage of media. Control valve with locator, locator is not working properly, the air passage choke plug is the most common failure.

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