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Cause the flow of air conditioning four-way valve of the possible reasons for the large summary

December 14, 2021

Four-way valve flow caused by the lack of possible causes:

Air conditioner system leaks, resulting in the system refrigerant circulation is not enough.

2. When the weather is cold, the evaporator evaporation basin is not enough.

3. Four-way valve and the system to match the poor, that the selected four-way valve in the middle of large flow capacity and system capacity.

4. General system design for a certain period of time after the compressor down to four-way valve before commuting, when high and low pressure tends to balance, commutation to the middle position will stop. Such as the four-way valve is not in place, the main slider will stop in the middle of the next start-up, due to the role of the middle of the flow of dry flow and inadequate.

5. When the compressor starts to flow insufficient, the performance of the frequency changer is more obvious than the fixed speed machine. Refrigeration fittings four-way valve

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