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How to use the pipeline pump correctly

November 10, 2021

Needless to say, there are always problems with the machine when it is in use, but the best machine performance can be guaranteed by good use and maintenance. In order to ensure normal supply, the normal use and quick maintenance of the pipe pump have become the oil depot equipment Management of the most important task.

Test work: check whether the connector is loose; hand crank the coupling so that the rotor turns a few times to see if the unit rotation is flexible, whether there is sound and light uneven feeling to determine whether the pump is foreign body or the axis is bent, Seal installation is not correct, etc .; check the seal cavity clean No. 20 lube is filled with 1/2 cavity space; pump unit surface is clean; unit to no-load test.

Operational inspection: Pipeline pump in the frequency (frequency) normal operation, it should regularly check and record the pump group ammeter, voltmeter, import and export vacuum gauge, pressure gauge and flow meter and other instrumentation. Unit vibration, noise, temperature rise is normal. Shaft seals should not have significant aviation fuel leaks. In addition we have to consider parking, there are two main

Emergency stop situation:

(1) pump motor ammeter indicates abnormal (too large or become too small); pump system gives abnormal sound. ⑵ pump inlet vacuum pressure gauge, outlet pressure gauge indicates an exception, the pump vibration larger and issued a different sound, a serious decline in performance. ⑶ pump motor odor, leakage at the shaft seal aviation fuel, bearing temperature over 75 degrees and so on.

Normal stop: close the discharge valve, the pump light load, stop the motor.

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