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CNC machining process

July 09, 2020
The main content of the numerical control process analysis proves that the numerical control process analysis mainly includes the following aspects:

1) Select the parts that are suitable for machining on CNC machine tools and determine the operation contents.

2) Analyze the parts to be processed, specify the processing content and technical requirements, and then determine the processing plan of the parts and formulate the numerical control processing route, such as the division of the processes, the arrangement of the processing sequence, and the convergence with the traditional processing procedures.

3) Design NC machining process. Such as the division of work steps, the positioning of parts and the selection of fixtures, the choice of tools, the determination of the amount of cutting and so on.

4) Adjust the procedures for the NC machining process. Such as the knife point, the choice of tool change points, the determination of processing routes, tool compensation.

5) Assign tolerances in NC machining.

6) Handle some process instructions on the CNC machine tool.

In a word, the numerical control processing content is more, some are similar to the ordinary machine tool processing.
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